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Network evolution and transformation are occurring at a greater pace than ever before. The influence of network disaggregation, open source, whitebox, cloud-centric architectures, and advanced SW orchestration and control has forever changed the approach network operators are taking to build and manage the network. At the same time, the business models are changing just as fast as the Cloud Operators and DC/Exchange providers led the original innovation and delivery of ‘self-serve models’ for access to cloud resources, network (connectivity and functions), as an on-demand and pay-per-use approach that is now expected from the industry. In addition to the vast network infrastructure and management changes occurring, there still has to be considerations around managing the network already in place.

For the more progressive network operators, this vision of advanced SW automa,on and control to enable self-serve automa,on to external customers is also used to provide the same automa,ons internally to that of opera,ons and engineering personnel. These same operators recognize that Customer Experience (CX) is a direct result of Employee Experience (EX) and follow methodologies that reflect leveraging network automation both internally, and externally. When automation of the network is enabled through open and extensible API’s/Services and uniform UI/UX frameworks, the same can be extended externally as the ultimate enabler of CX differentiation.

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