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Virtualization has made it possible to get rid of “boxes.” What do we mean when we say “boxes?” They are the physical hardware needed to produce a type of function. These could include routers, firewalls, servers and more.

But as they say; out with the old and in with the new! New technologies have made it possible for these types of functions to become virtualized. Enter Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). NFV is responsible for taking these network services that are traditionally run on exclusive hardware and virtualizing them. As we mentioned before, the hardware such as routers, firewalls and servers are put together as virtual machines (VMs). The benefits of NFV include:

  • Lower costs
  • Better agility
  • Faster speeds
  • Increased security

It’s no wonder that ABI Research forecasts “that North America will lead the market, accumulating $13 billion in NFV-related investments during 2022.”

But where is the best place for all of these networking services to happen? At the digital edge, of course! Interconnection provides the key to NFV in order to fully hone in on the opportunities that are available and that are outside of the physical box. According to Network World, “A global, multi-tenant data center platform that specializes in enabling interconnection – private data exchange between businesses – works best for network service delivery because it can take users and providers wherever they need to be and bring them together.”

To read the Network World article, click here.


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