In Blog

Earlier this month, Jason Garner, Sales Engineer here at LightRiver, delivered an insightful webinar titled, “Accelerate the Automation of Multi-Vendor Networks.” In it, he shed light on LightRiver’s innovative netFLEX® platform and how it empowers service providers to optimize their network operations. Below are the five ways Jason reviewed in order to accelerate network automation.

  • Single Unchanging API for Network Inventory at All Vendors
  • Easy Integration of Coherent Optics into Routers & Open Transport Vendors
  • Single Unchanging API to Monitor Network Health
  • Platform Approach for Internally Developed or Third-Party Tools – Such as Path Computation Engine
  • Focus on Innovation and Leave Implementation to the Proven Experts

To delve deeper into the features and benefits of netFLEX, , gain valuable insights directly from Jason Garner and discover how LightRiver’s solution can revolutionize your network management, we encourage you to check out the webinar recording. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance operational efficiency and stay ahead in the ever-evolving telecommunications industry!

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Multi-Vendor Middleware