Ciena’s Blue Planet division was created to ignite a network transformation by enabling true end-to-end service orchestration. And as a team, we are on a mission to deliver. The Blue Planet division is dedicated to preserving the open, multi-vendor focus that made Blue Planet the most-recognized and celebrated SDN and NFV software suite in the industry trusted, not just by customers, but by the vendor community at large.

Blue Planet’s disruptive software, collaborative approach, and earnest desire to change an industry, not a just single network, has earned its team some of the highest honors in our space.

Ciena has always been an extremely focused, thought leader and trusted advisor to customers. With Blue Planet, Ciena has taken the same, focused approach to helping customers automate services – from creation to orchestration to delivery – across both physical and virtual domains. Its software reduces operational costs by abstracting network complexity creating space for innovation and differentiation through a level of service programmability that was previously unachievable.

Give us a call and speak to one of our next generation transport technology experts or browse more links to find out more about the premier products that we sell and integrate.


Blue Planet


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