Network operators are burdened with multiple, separate management tools that force time-consuming, manual, error-prone steps. This results in slow service turn-up and the inability to integrate new technologies. With Ciena’s Blue Planet Manage, Control and Plan (MCP) software, operators now can automate all aspects of operations across Ciena’s optical and packet network assets, gaining consistency, reliability, and speed.
Blue Planet MCP’s modern, extensible architecture evolves network operations with real-time, software-defined programmability to drive service agility. Blue Planet MCP is Ciena’s domain controller, automating lifecycle operations of Ciena’s packet and optical networks. It unifies network and service management, and online planning, through SDN control, bringing service agility and operations efficiency. MCP marks a strategic shift from legacy network management software, enabling the transformation to open, scalable software control that easily integrates into network operators’ business processes.
With Blue Planet MCP, network operators can perform all the essential tasks that keep the network running smoothly today and in the future. This means they can fulfill customer service requests rapidly, on top of Ciena infrastructure, and accurately assure high service quality. Furthermore, using MCP’s integrated, online capacity planning, driven by network data analysis, operators can ensure the network can satisfy customers’ bandwidth and quality demands tomorrow.
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