Constantly innovating, LightRiver continues to impress. Most recently, we have been chosen as a semi-finalist in the 2021 Pipeline Innovation Awards!
LightRiver submitted its Alien Aware Networking™ solution for the Customer Experience category. Our solution is unique in that the service allows network operators to embrace the benefits of alien waves without the shortcomings that exist currently. Alien Aware Networking embraces alien wavelengths, allowing them to be readily monitored, analyzed, and managed end-to-end. All of this occurs no matter what suppliers or technologies are leveraged within a single network operator, or across multiple interconnected operator networks.
“LightRiver has essentially bridged the gap by ‘removing the Alien from Alien Waves’,” comments Travis Ewert, COO of LightRiver. “Alien Aware Networking effectively brings the ‘Open Optical’ benefits to networks that have next generation DWDM and legacy network elements, and leveraging netFLEX’s Alien Aware Networking automation, operators can have a clear visual representation of the health and performance of their optical network including all Alien Waves as exposed through comprehensive UI/UX and API Frameworks.”
To be considered a semi-finalist in the annual Pipeline Innovation Awards, contestants submit evaluation information to validate their innovation. That information is objectively scored across over 20 different aspects of technical innovation. From there, judges select the most innovative competitor in each category.
LightRiver has a strong history of winning awards for our unique, innovative solutions. Whether it’s next-gen networks, Factory Built Services, or automating multivendor transport networks with netFLEX, our goal is to provide world-class professional services that enable our customers to succeed.
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