Network Implementation VirtualizationTM (NIV) leverages on demand LightRiver multi-vendor expertise to virtualize the network implementation services investment now being made by individual fiber network operators. NIV decreases the cost of dedicated personnel needed to procure, install, integrate and test new transport products and technologies, tying it to the return on defined projects
The LightRiver installation process has you covered – we sweat the details. For Network Implementation VirtualizationTM, from turn-key, green-field, Factory Built Network builds, to live operations node insert, to racking and stacking and fiber management down to using the proper rack screws, fiber connector cleaning process and post install site clean-up. Our installers don’t leave until the job is done to your standards.
Multi-vendor, multi-technology equipment networks are increasingly the reality. Gone are the days of single manufacturer end-to-end transport infrastructures. A router from one manufacturer isn’t always plug-and-play friendly with a transponder from another manufacturer, nor does it always represent the best solution.
LightRiver provides the resources, experience and tools necessary to install, integrate, test, turn-up and provision transport equipment and nodes into new and existing networks based on your needs, while optimizing deployments to meet the exact requirements of your project. Our team works with the best of the best, carrier-grade equipment manufacturers on a day-in, day-out basis. We know the hardware, software and all the tricks to make the equipment sing in concert – even if they weren’t designed to play nice together. We also adhere to industry; partner and client practices for the highest quality deployments and all designs are verified in our state-of-the-art LightRiver Labs before they are deployed. Our personnel are trained and equipped with all the test gear and techniques – from bit error testing to validation of circuit quality and service capabilities to full fiber characterization – needed to bring your network to light.